Our Motty

While Motty never celebrated his own Bar Mitzvah leaving this world at the tender age of 2 years and three months, his memory inspired others to make this dream a true reality.

The Aleph-Bet... uttered by Motty still reverberate in our ears. These letters, his last words on that last Shabat... are a blessing for all those boys preparing for their Bar-Mitzvah.

Extend your hands to Yad Moty, and kindle the light that will illuminate the life of a Jewish boy.

The reward is great, God bless you...


What We Offer



Yad Motty assists with the most essential component of the Bar Mitzvah "The Tefillin".

Torah Lessons

Photo Credit: ms.akr

Photo Credit: ms.akr


Torah Lessons in preparation of the reading of the Torah portion that was read on the week of his birth. This study gives special meanings for a boy.



 Yad Motty gives financial support to cheer up the celebration with DJ-live-music.