“Thank you so much for the beautiful tefillin. I wore them and they were perfect in comparison to Cinderella’s slipper. I hope to wear them every day possible. Thank for being a shliach (messenger) to this great mitzvah.
— Gary Cosh
“This is a tremendous organization and thanks to you for all the support. Kol Hakavod to all who donate from the heart to make this a wonderful Simcha for all Am Israel. March 6 2017”
— Jay A. Benayoun
“Thank you very much for spending with Mrs. Mendelson in our behalf and finding of tefillin for my son Joshua. You and your family do a very noble thing in the community. Your efforts are to be praised with good health. Sincerely,
— Davis, Lenis & Holly
“Por medio de la presente, quisiera agradecerle su generosa contribucion, para la cosecucion de los tefilin de un miembro de nuestra comunidad. Que Di-s le retribuya a usted con un ano bueno y dulce .”
— Rabino Iosef Benchimol
“We would like to express our gratitude for your contribution of $250.00. Your generosity has given us the opportunity to provide the necessary education that our children need and deserve. Thank you”
— Gershon Aizenman
“It is what I would call a solid 4.5 star experience. In other words, I give it a 9 out of 10.”